Coach Hurley Re-signs with Connecticut University 'Refusing to Recruit NBA'

Coach Dan Hurley, who rejected the NBA's LA Lakers offer to recruit, signed a long-term contract with the University of Connecticut. 메이저사이트

The Associated Press reported on the 9th (Korea time) that manager Hurley signed a six-year contract with the University of Connecticut for $50 million (about 69.2 billion won) after rejecting the Lakers' offer. "The Lakers' offer was tempting," coach Hurley said. "I chose to stay for those who support me."

Hurley led the University of Connecticut to the top of NCAA Division I for the second consecutive year. In response, the Lakers offered a huge 70 million dollar offer for six years to recruit the team, but Hurley chose to stay. The University of Connecticut gave Hurley the same conditions as the coach of the NBA.

According to the University of Connecticut, Hurley's salary is 400,000 dollars per year. However, he is said to receive huge incentives such as 6.375 million dollars for the next season alone through additional activities such as lectures and consulting.

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